Hermanus Whale Watching online bookings

Book your Hermanus Whale Watching Trip


Please book in advance, although "The Ivanhoe" can carry 40 people we limit the number of guests to 25. 

We do not collect payment at point of booking - After we capture your reservation we will be in contact within 24hrs.  Please provide as much details as possible our trips are weather dependent and we may need to contact you!

Whales do not interact well if rough water, if we have to cancel a trip we will offer a 100% refund or will do our best to work with your next availability.

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In Whale Season

Whale Watching Trips - (June To December)

Our whale watching trips take place from June to December however, should the whales change their migration schedule (arrive early and leave later) we will adjust our schedule accordingly.  Generally the trip last 2 hrs, but can be longer depending on how quickly we find the whales.

At the start of the season we launch twice daily at 10am and 1pm, in main season (Aug-Sep-Oct) we put on an extra trip in the morning with a 7am launch and then from September on-wards an extra trip in the afternoon either 3:30pm or if a good sunset is forecasted a trip at 5pm.  The 5pm trip is truly a magnificent experience watching the whales bask in the shallow waters as well as experiencing a stunning Walker Bay sunset.