Today (25-Sept-2020) was an incredible day to be out and about in the bay. We had an eco extravaganza, spotting many different species. On today’s tours we saw saw 7 Southern Right Whales, feeding Brydes Whales, Common Dolphins and Cape Fur Seals in the water whilst the Terns and Gannets ruled the air.
It all began with a bait ball of schooling fish which had attracted baleen and toothed whales alike! We had a beautiful pod of Common Dolphins showing off their acrobatics in a bid to make a meal off the anchovy.
Whilst the dolphins rushed about, we were also treated to the sight of Brydes Whales lunge feeding just below the surface. Photograph 4 shows some lucky anchovies taking to the sky in order to avoid becoming lunch.
The excitement didn’t stop there, with us moving on to find a mating group of Southern Right Whales. One inquisitive animal couldn’t get enough of us, circling below the boat to take a closer look. The mating group was incredible, with two whales turning on their side and going belly to belly, revealing their eyes above the surface as they did their best to ensure the survival of the species.
After spending time with the mating group, we head back to the harbor, passing the dolphins again. We’re heading out again tomorrow and Thursday and cannot wait to see what the ocean has in store for us. If you’d like to join in on the excitement, why not join us or a boat cruise? you’re welcome to book online or give us a call.
Photo of a Brydes Whale Feeding in Gansbaai South Africa
A Southern Right Whale approaches the boat for a closer look in Gansbaai South Africa.
Southern Right Whales call the rocky shores of Gansbaai South Africa Home for half the year. Cows will spend their time along our coastline raising their calves.
Common Dolphin sightings are one of our favorite additions to our whale watching trips.
Whale watching Hermanus
A Southern Right Whale pops her head out the water in Gansbaai South Africa
Brydes Whales can be seen when whale watching in South Africa
Common Dolphins are highly transient animals, travelling large distances. They can be seen on Hermanus Boat Cruises, or from our trusty boat, Ivanhoe.
Spot the eye of a Southern Right Whale.
Southern Right Whale Watching South Africa
Southern Right Whales exhibiting mating behavior in Walker Bay.
Whale Watching in Hermanus, South Africa is an unforgettable experience, with the chance to spot not only whales, dolphins and many, many more species.
Today (25-Sept-2020) was an incredible day to be out and about in the bay. We had an eco extravaganza, spotting many different species. On today’s tours we saw saw 7 Southern Right Whales, feeding Brydes Whales, Common Dolphins and Cape Fur Seals in the water whilst the Terns and Gannets ruled the air.